Thursday 21 April 2011

Billingsgate Fish Market - London

Another early start for me this morning, this time leaving at about 3am to drive down to Billingsgate Fish Market in London. 

After already having been to a fish auction in Newlyn, Cornwall, I was prepared for the pretty horrible smell that I would have to get used to for the couple of hours that I was there! Although you never remember exactly how bad it does actually smell in places!

The market starts at 5am and runs through until 7am and I arrived just around am to find everything already in full swing. 

After speaking to one of the traders, a young guy, I found out that it is never normally as busy as it was today, however due to the fact that its the Easter weekend, everyone was out and ready to buy for either their restaurants or fishmongers.

The seafood sold at the market ranges from exotic fishes in bulk, through to pre packaged fish and oysters. All of which have come from many ports across the UK and the world. Lobsters from Canada and eels from New Zealand.

It was a great experience, and so bizarre to see so many people up and about as if it was the middle of the day!

So, here are a few images from this morning .. Captions to follow and there is potential that I will change an image or two for my final edit of 5!

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